Managing ADHD During Office Hours
Managing ADHD during office hours can definitely be a challenge especially for someone like me with ADHD. As a photographer, I’ve found ADHD really helps me be a better photographer when I am actively shooting. However, when it’s time to sit down and edit, organize business tasks or communicate with others, then my ADHD rears its ugly head. Over time, I’ve developed several strategies to tame the ADHD beast and make my workday more manageable. Here’s what I’ve learned!
Understand ADHD to Manage Your ADHD
Knowledge is power when it comes to managing ADHD. Therefore, educate yourself about ADHD symptoms, challenges, and strengths. Understanding how ADHD affects you personally can help you develop effective coping strategies. When I was diagnosed with ADHD, I read every book I could get my hands on. Personally, reading “Driven To Distraction At Work” by Hallowell MD was a game-changer, providing valuable insights into navigating ADHD in the workplace.

Managing ADHD & Creating an ADHD-Friendly Routine
Establishing a daily routine is essential; therefore, stick to it as much as possible. Set specific times for tasks, breaks, meetings, and deadlines. Additionally, ensure to utilize tools like calendars, planners, or apps to stay organized. The book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear provides actionable advice about building and sustaining habits. I always joke that I never live the same day twice. However, because of my ADHD, sticking to a routine is a constant challenge for me. Nevertheless, while I may never manage a complex 20-step morning routine, I’ve learned from the book how to adapt and make a looser routine work effectively for me.
Breaking Down Tasks for ADHD
Complex tasks can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination. To combat this, break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. By focusing on one task at a time, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance. Personally, I brain-dump everything I need to do in Notion and then prioritize tasks by day and importance. This one step has probably been the key to me getting more done by simply letting all the tasks free flow out of my head and into the world and not on a piece of paper that I am no doubt going to lose.

Minimizing ADHD-Related Distractions
A conducive work environment is essential for concentration! Create a workspace that minimizes distractions. Use noise-canceling headphones, organize your desk, and limit access to distracting websites or apps during work hours. Set custom focus modes on your iPhone. I have a work focus mode that turns off all notifications from social media, friends, and basically all apps except for the essentials. You can also read more about this topic on my blog: Essential Tools for ADHD Entrepreneurs!
Managing ADHD by Taking Breaks
Regular short breaks scheduled throughout the day can aid in recharging and refocusing your mind. Use these breaks to engage in physical activity, practice mindfulness, or simply rest and relax. Personally, I love to take my dog on a walk in the morning, at lunch and right after work. During these walks, I make a conscious effort to avoid checking my phone and instead relish the time spent with my dog, basking in the sunshine and stretching my legs. This usually leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to start a new task.

Delegating Tasks with ADHD in Mind
Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks when possible. Focus on your strengths and delegate tasks that are challenging or time-consuming to others who can handle them effectively. Personally, I hate bookkeeping and accounting, so I outsourced it. When you have ADHD and hate a particular task, you’ll procrastinate and do everything possible not to complete it. Do yourself a favor, recognize your weaknesses, and pay money to outsource the task. You’ll make the money back by simply being able to dedicate more time to your ADHD hyperfocus and genius tasks.
Managing Stress with ADHD
Engage in stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or regular exercise to maintain a healthy balance. It’s important to find healthy outlets for stress relief to avoid feeling overwhelmed! This year, I’ve made it a priority to prioritize my health and nurture my relationships. It’s a well-known fact that when starting a business, personal well-being and connections often suffer. However, I’ve come to realize that the more I prioritize self-care, the more successful my business becomes. Remember, just as on an airplane, you must secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others – prioritize your well-being before diving into business endeavors.
Seeking ADHD Support
Don’t hesitate to explore support options such as mental health professionals, ADHD coaches, or support groups. These resources offer valuable guidance, strategies, and encouragement to assist you in effectively managing ADHD. It’s important to acknowledge that navigating ADHD is a journey, and finding the right approach may involve trial and error. Stay patient, remain proactive, and celebrate your successes as you progress along this path.
Managing ADHD in the workplace is a journey that requires patience, proactivity, and a willingness to experiment with different strategies. By staying patient, proactive, and celebrating small victories along the way, you can find what works best for you and thrive. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and support is always available for those who seek it.
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