How to Balance Goals With Mindfulness

One of the trickier aspects of mindfulness is reconciling the relationship between being present and simultaneously setting goals. That duality can lead to more opportunities for growth and reflection.

Ambition is admirable, but it can also be a double edge sword, especially during those fleeting moments of calm before the week begins. We can get so wrapped up in where we want to go and get there as fast as possible that we disregard meaningful opportunities for growth along the way. And get bogged down by negative chatter whenever we fall short.

Try a non-striving approach to pursuing any goal in your life. Don’t give expectations the power to dictate how you feel or create a barrier between you and the present.

There is value in setting goals, but there is even more to gain from letting them go to focus on the journey. That doesn’t make you any less productive and shouldn’t stand in the way of your accomplishments.

Every single step on the path of achieving your goals is something to be proud of. It can be so easy to lose sight of that, especially with the weight of a busy week in front of you.

At the heart of a non-striving approach:

Trying less yet being more

You can do this by just showing up for yourself, embracing this exact moment, giving up a certain amount of control, and witnessing change naturally unfold around you while actively participating in your progress. Any sense of pressure or fear of failure will immediately melt away as you discover a new sense of agency on your journey.

About the Author, Natalie Keeton

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